"Inspiring every human heart and creating waves of justice worldwide."


RSIN/Tax number: 854632050
Chamber of Commerce number: 62073478
IBAN: NL12 RABO 0300 7894 67
Bank: Rabobank
Croeselaan 18
3521 CB Utrecht

Address: PO Box 1119
Postal code: 8001 BC
Place: Zwolle
Board: Henk Stoorvogel, Wouter de Vos and Gideon in't Veld

Objective: As a global movement, C-Force provides inspiration for all people. C-Force inspires people's hearts to contribute to a global wave of justice. C-Force strives to liberate people from extreme poverty, take people out of the grip of sex slavery and support persecuted people. Also in the western world many people experience loneliness and difficulties in maintaining relationships. C-Force inspires people to do justice, to be honest and loyal in order to have a positive impact on their environment.


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Active in 24 countries around the world: https://the4thmusketeer.com/ Paint the world RED!

If you are interested to launch 4M in your country please email the 4M International Growth Team: growthteam@the4thmusketeer.com